Sunday 15 November 2009

Michael Zuckerman should be ashamed of himself

01. Mr Zuckerman banned all campaigning on the UKIP internal Forum to no particular purpose other than to shelter them from the real world and explaining and justifying the indefensible.

02. Mr Zuckerman banned all forms of Poll on the forum.

03. Mr Zuckerman in answer to complaints from candidates and members regarding Nigel Farage’s gross intervention on National tv in the leadership election said he had no undue interest in any particular candidate and was at liberty to exercise his right to state his opinion!

04. Mr Zuckerman was more than stumped when it was pointed out that Mr. Farage did in fact have an interest and a large interest as he had acted as the best known proposer to feature on the lengthy list of supporters Malcolm Wood had put together for Lord Pearson!

Mr Zuckerman had to concede he clearly didn’t know what he was taking about.

05. Mr Zuckerman assured the candidates that he would convey their annoyance and ensure that it did not happen again, and that Nigel Farage would be left in no doubt he had transgressed the rules.

And how has Gregg Lance Watkins got hold of articles from our UKIP members only forum? I thought that site was secure. I won't be posting that however as Gerard would not want me to.

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